HomeHealthIntelligent Health Ecosystem

Intelligent Health Ecosystem


Health care is essential to a country’s prosperity and is governed by infrastructure and technological improvements. Investment in technology and infrastructure is essential as more consumers choose virtual consultations, home medicine delivery, and up-to-date medical facilities. IoT, telemedicine, AI, automation, and advanced digitalization are some of the technologies that are helping to propagate modern healthcare in India. The COVID-19 pandemic’s experiences and lessons provided additional evidence of the importance of these advancements.

How you can create value in an intelligent health ecosystem

The past century has seen unprecedented advancements in the health sciences and wellness practises, but the pace of change and acceptance of digital or virtual care models, which redefine how we manage health, is now accelerating, maybe at an exponential rate.

Given their training in developing technologies and fields like robotics, big data, and artificial intelligence, future physicians may actually turn into medical engineers. With the aid of AI, augmented reality, nanobots, and other powerful tools that are already quickly expanding in technological maturity and economic value today, they will remotely supervise many patients at a distance.

Such a radical shift in how we view medicine sounds like something out of science fiction. But in 2022, a significant change in the way health care is delivered is already beginning. Although telehealth use has grown significantly over the past two years, businesses are increasingly going beyond this to develop more integrated, all-encompassing virtual approaches to care.

For instance: Big Pharma is putting more effort into utilising telehealth capabilities, as evidenced by AstraZeneca’s decision to invest in Huma, a company that provides a digital platform to support hospitals at home care and decentralised clinical trials. The businesses are working together to pursue “proactive, predictive treatment and research” by fusing disease management systems with forecasting algorithms and actual data.

Novartis produces customised, on-demand video and audio content in the style of Netflix to connect with healthcare professionals, while other Big Pharma companies are embracing digital to design personalised omnichannel approaches to engagement.

Building an intelligent ecosystem that can personalize insights

The approval of more than 130 innovative algorithms in 2021 reflects the expanding use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare industry. These algorithms already give tools for digital triage, care pathway optimization, behavioural coaching, real-time disease management, deeper analysis on genomic and other huge data sets, and disease management. However, the promise of AI goes far beyond these use cases.

AI provides a way to integrate, combine, and query these data in new ways to uncover useful insights as the world of health care data continues to grow. The fast developing capabilities of AI—our ability to sense, perceive, learn, know, reason, plan, and act—offer ways to augment human intelligence beyond what is currently possible.

Our health care algorithms will continuously improve in value and intelligence as a result of the implementation of AI into care delivery. Together, human and computing power will be more valuable and powerful than each one acting alone. We can start connecting the huge amounts of data created and the wide range of technical instruments being developed into a full, integrated smart health system with the help of AI.


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