AI Art


AI art is art created with the help of artificial intelligence. AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on developing machines that can mimic human intelligence or even simulate the human brain by using a set of algorithms.

AI can create new works through machine learning, which employs a variety of self-learning algorithms that derive knowledge from data. AI art is the result of a collaboration between an artist and an AI system, but the level of autonomy varies greatly, and the outcome is heavily dependent on the quality of the data from which the AI learns.

How to make AI art

AI art can be created in a variety of ways. One can create images in the style of others, create unique graphics based solely on text descriptions, or even embark on a journey to learn creative coding and create art solely with code. There are numerous AI art generators available to help you create artwork. Some of them will be discussed further below.


GANs, as proposed in this paper in 2014, are typically composed of two neural networks pitted against one another to make both of them better learners.


Starryai allows users to generate art with AI by simply describing what they want to see, and the app’s simple interface and functionality make AI generation accessible to everyone. By giving users complete control over their creations, they can be used for NFT projects, printed, and shared on social media.

Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator is based on Deep Dream’s base model, which employs a convolutional neural network to identify and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia.

Pros and Cons of AI art

Now, let’s have a look at pros and cons of using AI to create art.


Generation of realistic or hyper-realistic data

Images from AI-generated videos can be used in films, particularly for supernatural scenes that cannot be acted out in real life.

Some of the art may be Impossible for humans to create

AI “thinks” outside the box to generate never-before-seen samples, some of which may be difficult or impossible for humans to consider. Such art can even serve as inspiration for larger projects, allowing one to generate new ideas.

Constantly evolving

AI-generated art evolves in tandem with the development of AI models and the evolution of the data used to train such models. This allows for the flow of new ideas without reaching a saturation point.


Lack of human connection

One potential disadvantage of AI art is that it may lack the emotional connection that we seek when viewing artwork created by another human being.

Might be viewed as cheating

Some may consider the use of artificial intelligence in the creation of artwork to be cheating. After all, where does the artist stand if a machine does all or most of the work? This is a legitimate concern that will most likely be debated for years to come as AI becomes more prevalent in the art world.

Lack of control over the final product

We have no control over the creative process because, once trained, the model will output products based on the trained weights. During the process, we cannot manually fine-tune it.

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